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The goal of the Social Committee is to establish and sustain inclusive and fun community social events by providing multiple events, both large and small, in order to bring the Cliff Bungalow – Mission community together.


The job of the Social Directors is to guide and coordinate the Social Committee in creating sustainable community programming for the residents of Cliff Bungalow-Mission.


The Social Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating social activities such as our movie nights, potlucks, jazz concerts, pride parade entry and board game nights as well as our larger events – Spring Fling, the Francophone Stampede Barbecue and Mission Possible. The Social Committee also aids in creating a community spirit among the residents of Cliff Bungalow – Mission, because of the wide variety of the events offered at the Cliff Bungalow School, located at 2201 Cliff Street SW.


The committee should meet on average once a month, dates and times to be set by the Social Committee, to discuss upcoming events and ongoing needs. However, from time to time, sub-committees will be formed for specific events, for example: The Spring Fling fundraiser might require additional planning meetings, outside of a once a month commitment.


For the 2018-19 year, the Social Committee will be focused on the following initiatives:


  • monthly jazz concerts on the first Wednesday of every month

  • monthly potluck dinners on the second Sunday at 6:00 pm of every month (rescheduled for long weekends or special events).

  • monthly board game nights, held one Saturday night per month at 7:00 pm

  • movie nights, random dates throughout the year

  • pride parade community entry

  • three large special events per year

  • supporting and facilitating community driven social opportunities

  • connecting residents with various organizations in Cliff Bungalow-Mission


If you would like to join the Social Committee or want to learn more about our events, please contact for a description of volunteer positions available.

Get involved today!

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