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COVID-19 Relief

It’s going to be okay!

As individuals, businesses, governments, and social organizations, we are facing multiple new challenges in unprecedented times. Your community association is dedicated to you.

Cliff Bungalow-Mission's community spirit, camaraderie, and hard work saw us through the flood of 2013. Our current situation is very different, but we know the same neighbourhood camaraderie will prevail.


Until instructed differently, please stay at home and follow the social distancing guidelines provided by the City of Calgary. Social guidelines mandate we must stay home as much as possible, but we can still reach out (at a distance!) to our neighbours to see if they are okay.


Please stay active and positive, and if you are able, please reach out to us at to let us know you can help.


If you need help, please contact and we will do our best to assist you, or to refer you to the people who can.

Above all, be patient. We are in this together; we will get through this together.

What your CBMCA is doing for you

We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to set up programs to help our residents that will be up and running soon:


Support to access relief programs – There are many programs available to help ease the financial burden residents are facing. We will post researched links here, and on social media. Additionally, we will help provide our most vulnerable population with direct, guided assistance to accessing these programs.

Support for positivity and mental health – The key to overcoming this challenge is to halt the spread of the virus, and the best way to do this is to stay home. However, social isolation can be difficult on our mental health. We will provide links, resources, and ideas to prevent feelings of isolation and to help focus energies on personal growth and reconnection.


Support for at-risk residents – We are working with our partners at the Mission Safeway to deliver groceries to our vulnerable, at-risk populations such as seniors, the mobility challenged, and the immunocompromised. If you fit this description, please reach out to and we will get back to you ASAP to help you place your order.


Support for our health care workers – Perhaps the single most at-risk population are the heroic and beleaguered health care workers working double shifts on the front lines. The CBMCA hopes to ease their burdens in whatever small ways we can.

What you can do


Stay home – Please stay home and faithfully practice social distancing at this time. Do not have friends over for a coffee, do not take unnecessary trips to the store, and do not put yourself, your family, or your neighbours at risk. The single best thing you can do right now is to help flatten the curve.

Volunteer – If you are willing and able to help your community association, please send us an email to We have two streams of volunteers:

Stay in, help out! - This program features things that can be done from home while practising social distancing.


Outreach workers – This program will work to deliver support to vulnerable populations, and is limited at this time to teams of two or more who are currently cohabitating (to eliminate added risk of infection).

Cliff Bungalow Mission Community Association COVID19

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