The Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community Association hosts monthly movie nights featuring documentaries on thought provoking subjects. On Sunday, September 29 at 7 pm at the community centre, we have a special 1st person presentation rather than a movie. Sara Skinner will discuss her experiences working in the Sudan and South Sudan during a critical time in their history. There will be a PowerPoint presentation following by a Q & A period. This is something you will not want to miss. It is a fascinating first hand account of what happened during this historic period.
Sara Skinner spent three years working in Sudan and South Sudan working for various organizations including the Carter Center, the United Nations, and Saferworld. Sara’s unique perspective on peace has been gained through military training, working in Africa, and education in conflict analysis. Sara is now living and working and Calgary and has become actively engaged in the community here, volunteering with Calgary Community Mediation, Peer Mediation Skills and Training, Canada Bridges working with the South Sudanese community and other community groups within the area.
Sara will be discussing the quest for peace in hostile environments drawing on her experiences working in Sudan and South Sudan throughout the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended decades of civil war. Join us for an overview on the situation in Sudan and the world’s youngest country, South Sudan and a broader discussion on peace.
Sunday, September 29, 7 pm, Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community Centre, 2201 Cliff St SW (one block west of 5th St at 22nd Ave SW)