The Calgary Parking Authority has an online survey on Residential Parking Permits. It is open until January 31, 2014. We encourage you to fill in this survey as Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community has 2 hour and Permit Only parking (Zone J). People with a Zone J Parking Permit may park in either with no time limit restrictions. We also get two Visitor Parking mirror placards for our visitors.
To do the survey, go to Click on Residential Parking. There is a link to the survey in the second paragraph on that page.
Question 8 may be a trial balloon to a possible fee for our parking permits. Currently, there is a $50 (plus GST) fee for the third and subsequent vehicles registered at one address. Two zones, Bridgeland (Zone AAA) and Somerset (Zone YY), have special rules with only one permit per residence being issued with a $25 (plus GST) fee.