One of the things we do at every Annual General Meeting is recognizing one or more individuals who have made significant contributions to Cliff Bungalow – Mission. These awards are sponsored by Toole Peet Insurance, our insurance broker, and are presented by the Federation of Calgary Communities, the umbrella organization for community associations in Calgary. At the November 21st AGM, three people were recognized. The presentations were made by Leslie Evans, Executive Director of the Federation of Calgary Communities. The following is the text of the presentations.
Sander Jansen
Sander Jansen has been Planning and Development Director for four years. This is a very important position because of all the planning and development proposals that get circulated to Cliff Bungalow - Mission and the potential impacts they have on this community. Sander has done an excellent job. He has effectively communicated the community’s position both to the City and to developers. He has been an excellent chair of the Planning and Development Committee making sure all points of view are heard. He has done all this in a friendly and even-handed manner.
During his time on the Board, he has got married and this summer they had a daughter. We congratulate him and his wife Jo Stratton who also has served on the Planning and Development Committee.
He is stepping down tonight. We thank him for his contributions to this community. We also want to recognize him as a Community Hero.
Amanda West
Amanda West started volunteering in the community before she became a Board member and before she moved into the community. Her friend Lorna Dysart, one of our then Board members, got her involved with Mission Possible. When Lorna moved to Langley, BC, Amanda moved into Lorna’s suite in the community.
Four years ago, she became a Director at Large on the Board. Three years ago, she became Treasurer. During the last four years, Amanda has been involved with many of our events and activities. She is dependable and well organized. She loves the fun side of the community but also supports the important work of all the other things going on that impact the quality of life in Cliff Bungalow – Mission.
In late January, Amanda will be moving back to Vancouver as her job here will be finished. We want to publicly thank Amanda for all her contributions to this community before she leaves. We also want to recognize her as a Community Hero.
Stephen Barley
Stephen Barley is truly an unsung Community Hero. Even though he no longer lives in the community, he has continued to maintain the garden in front of this building. He started doing this about 30 years ago when he and his wife Kathleen lived in the community, about the time a portion of this building became out community centre. Due to rising rental costs, they had to find accommodation elsewhere, but he has continued to come back on a regular basis during each summer doing something he really enjoys.
While he was unable to come tonight, we want to publicly thank him for his contributions to this community and to recognize him as a Community Hero.